In my experience, where I have heard all current production hi-end headphones, save the Sony Z1000, Ultrasone ED10 and the new STAX. Other's impression can be very different to what you hear. Just for example, you will never find a whole brunch of people saying the HD800 is terrible on the internet without others bashing them saying they haven't got good gear or source to listen to it. But in the recent Head-Fi meet in London, I doubt there was over 30% there said they love it. And the T1 was getting far more praise than the HD800, which I totally agreed as I did hated the HD800 first listen when it came out. Most people tend to crowd toward the HE-6, HD800, T1, LCD-2, but I actually found my Audio-Technica pairing far more involving without losing out on clarity. Sound is a very personal thing, as much as I like your reviews and appreciate you doing it, listening to it first hand is still the best one can do.