I cannot agree this PSU is worth to get 'Editor's Choice'
We need to note that benchmark data does not reveal all aspects of PSU.
No such PSU Benchmark data can reveal everything about PSU Lifespan.
Because it is pratically impossible to do the Lifespan test.
How can a benchmark test site can perform 1 test for 5~10 years?
There is no way to test those stuff, and
A manufacturer very unlikely reveal their RMA statistics.
So we need to take a guess.
Which PSU will function FINE for a long time?
Not killing other components such as PSU itself, mobo, HDD, RAM,
whatever inside of your case.
Well. a benchmark is one of good ways to find it, but
internal component is also a good way.
If we compare with Seasonic X-1250, XFX Pro Series 1250 look like very identical.
I just Websurfed for 15 minutes, and found out this is inferior than X-1250.
I just visually compared the photo of Techpowerup,
and I find out XFX Pro Series 1250 took out
1 Ferrite Coil, 1 Big capacitor from Seasonic X-1250.
If component is different, then it may be different story, but in my eye, they looks identical.
Like, 420V, 390 microF capacitor with damn same label.
and Fan change from Sanyo-Denki San Ace to Protechnic.
And, I found some minor difference.
Since other Platinum, or new 1050W power from Seasonic got outstanding benchmark result from many sites, I expect 1250 will get similar outstanding result.
Another problem is, Seasonic X-1250 costs $269.99 at Newegg.com
SeaSonic X-1250 1250W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready 8...
Which costs same as XFX Pro 1250W in Newegg.
If there are same cost 2 PSUs with both outstanding benchmark result,
identical manufacturer and identical internal design, but 1 has inferior component,
then which PSU deserve Editor's Choice?