can you test these on an amd platform too? (am3+ or fm1)
I have. The scaling for OC is very similar, although a wee bit more voltage for the DIMM itself is required for some reason. I use X79 for reviews as the clocking is really good, and the performance is great for showing real differences in performance. If, in the future, there are kits specific to a platform that requires testing on that platform, I'll adjust the test paltform at that time.
Or do you have a different question?
I always test ram on all current platforms. That means AM3+, FM1, 1155, and 2011. It clocks very much the same on 1155, but both AMD paltforms seem to have a bit more trouble in OC, but to me, this is normal.
I have not yet tested with an FX chip(I used an 1100T), but I will do that when time provides(maybe this weekend). I have several other reviews I am working on so my time is quite limited at the moment. During the day I'm taking care of my son while testing(which works great as he likes to see all the new parts too), and during the night I can be found on the TPU BF3 TeamSpeak, as there are quite a few of us that play nightly.
LuLz. While writing this post, I went and got my son a snack, had to reboot the test rig doing memtest, and change some settings becuase it was showing errors. AND I switched laundry.

Memory testing takes a fair bit of time, but it fits really well with all the other things I gotta do, so if there is something specific you are looking for let me know, and I can take a look. If I don't have an answer in a couple of days, remind me, as the hectic schedule I've got means I sometimes forget things.