This is a great little card! And as far as SLI? Really? Who is going to spend over $200 to SLI two mid range cards? For a little over $200 You can get a single Higher End card with better performance. Think about it. Also I have no idea why all these reviews say this card is in the $150 range. That is not true. I bought mine for $114 bucks, And $114 is much better performance per dollar than the $169.99 ATI 7850. Especially since both cards are almost even in performance. My last card was the ATI 5850 And I loved it. It did me so well for so long until it finally started to artifact so bad I had to retire it. (im gonna miss her) My new 650Ti performs very well compared to my old 5850, And gives me a great performance increase. This card plays all my games very well, BF4, Skyrim, COD Ghosts, Diablo III, and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. So finally graphics card companies now provide us with affordable GPU's that perform with the expensive ones. This is fantastic! And this is a big difference from 2010, In 2010 I had to pay $327 for my ATI 5850 (of'course it was considered a high end model) But you had to pay back then for performance. Now today you can get great horse power for under $150 . Not to mention my 650Ti has great overclocking ability. Not having the GPU boost is what makes the 650Ti so great at overclocking, I have the basic MSI version with the stock clocks, But the great thing about this card it has unlocked voltage control. I messed with it for a brief time just to see what it could do, And I got very high mem and cpu oc on the card.