Thanks for the review W1zz
In my case I have rigs that run on both ends of the spectrum, one connected to a 3D 1080p TV and the other to a surround 3D 5760x1080 setup.
I had a quad sli 680 powering the 5760 setup, discovered it was overkill, decided to go dual sli, on both rigs and have been happy ever since.
Now I have balanced both rigs, as I play mostly on my den, the lure of the surround monitors has waned after a while, and I rather play in my couch
The point I'm getting to is, I've found sli 680s to be plenty enough to power even the most demanding games, even though Titan seems tempting, I'm not willing to drop $2K to improve any of my setups for a measly gain in performance, dual 680s (or 7970s for that matter) rip through even the most demanding games in my own experience.
Nvidia should've priced this card at 899 or even 799, as no single gpu card has even closely been priced this expensively, this sets a dangerous precedent.
The way I see, only very few ppl would really benefit from this card, and it's potential from a "cheap" compute gpu point of view is awesome, but IMHO nvidia has priced this card in the wrong bracket.
Don't get me wrong though, I love the performance the amount of onboard memory, the awesome look, the scaling, but in only very few cases this card justifies the price against a 690 or hypothetical 7990, nvidia is making a killer profit with this card, not that they are inherently evil for doing so (I'm looking at you Apple)
If they release a 3GB version for 799 or 849, that would be a completely different story, and I could justify purchasing a couple of these babies

but guessing how limited the yields on good GK110 must be, I guess that's not happening any time soon, shame, but I can wait for the 700 series.