Good review W1zzard, great card, though a little pricy, but that unfortunately wasn't unexpected
The card has great potential, and putting under water will allow owners to further OC this puppy as GK110 loves low temps, only the TDP will be the limit.
As for the price, I'm really looking forward to AMD releasing the 8000 series at a more affordable price, ending this madness

that should also bring the price of Titan down
But if 7990 taught us anything is that AMD is willing to charge a premium also for their cards, oh well, it's going to be a long wait anyways to find out
Many people bought the GTX Titan after the outcry on GTX Titan pricing. They are extremely happy with the card. Countless forum reports are testament to that. These same people will now be sad as many fought with their wives/GFs/moms to buy a GTX Titan, because the GTX 780 offers pretty much the same performance at a lower price.
Nice jab to Titan owners

no sadness here though, been thoroughly enjoying these cards for the last few months, and they OC to 1200MHz under water

the fact that more people will be able to enjoy similar performance at a lower price is a good thing for all gamers and enthusiasts, looking forward to people getting the 780 and pushing it to the limit!