At $650, the GeForce GTX 780 is designed to make GTX TITAN owners want to kick themselves.
In all, the $650 pricing of the single card, which isn't much slower, and the $1,300 pricing of a pair of them, which is significantly faster, should be enough to cannibalize the GTX TITAN. Our heartfelt condolences if you bought one recently.
Umm.. Just finished reading the review, was this really necessary? Just three months ago almost to the day you gave Titan the Editor's Choice award, and yes, I absolutely agree the 780 has the better value at the moment, but do you really think ppl who purchased it should feel bad about the fact?
Three months ago Titan was the absolute fastest single GPU card in the market, has that changed? Titan is still the best choice for multi monitor gaming in the future due to the bigger frame buffer, can be OCd the same as 780, and scales just as well if not even better in SLI, it also destroys 780 I'm terms of compute performance.
If money is no issue why not go for the absolute best? You may argue that some ppl has more money than brains, but that's not even the point, some ppl like having the fastest hardware available, and three months ago Titan was it, that hasn't changed today.
When 680 was released no jokes were made at the expense of ppl who had just purchased 7970 for a higher price, actually I believe most of this ppl was more than happy with their purchase, both cards were excellent performers, why should be this case any different? The price to performance ratio favors one over the other, but that doesn't make the other card bad.
I believe ppl who bought Titan have thoroughly enjoyed our cards, I believe I see enough posts in the forum to prove this fact, why would it be the other way, if anyone is sad because 780 is more affordable than Titan, then I think he/she shouldn't have purchased a 1K card to begin with...
I've been reading reviews in this site for almost a decade now, and really admire their thoroughness, but this time I don't agree with those statements...
PS: just noticed this is my 2000th post, it only took me almost 9 years to get here, sorry this post had be criticizing a review conclusion, I think this is my first time ever doing that as well