First of all, great review, as always. You're really spoiling us!
On that note...
I already asked this of you elsewhere, and you didn't answer (no would've been fine, so I could stop hoping). Because I'm pertinent (saucy even) by nature, and have no shame, I'll simply repeat my question/request here as well:
High Power always seem to have troubles with ripple/noise "leakage". I believe that somehow it always appears to be induced, "over-the-air", in the output wires. Doesn't it look almost impossible for those levels of r/n to not get filtered out by solid polymer and wet electrolytic NCCs and decently-sized air-core cylindrical chokes? Low ESR? Check. High capacity? Check. High inductance? Check. So what gives?
Crmaris. It's probably a lot to ask of a man as busy as you, but could you get an EMI shield/screen (just an insulated copper sheet, or something along those lines) somewhere, and put it between the output wires and the PSU's secondary? It should pretty much half the noise, if I'm right (possibly ripple too, but I do believe it's high-frequency EMI that's the real problem). I believe you're curious about it too, so I hope you'll find some spare time to try it out...
Now it's not my intention to be rude, but I've been observing Sirtec/Sirfa/High Power struggle with r/n suppression for years, and believe I'm seeing a pattern. I actually tried the EMI screen thing myself once (when I had access to both a Sirfa-made PSU and a good o-scope) and it seemed to really do the trick (something like 20% reduction in peak, and even more, like 30% reduction in sustained noise, and about 10% in ripple). Unfortunately I don't have the scope logs/shots, and I didn't get to do it again (it was an old 80+ standard platform, in a Chieftec PSU).
Pretty please?