I hope your new SSDs will be more reliable then the ones you were making/selling prior to buyout by Toshiba. From what i hear, shit went south and there was nobody from OCZ left in forums to help the people who had issues after buying your products. Its understandable that you ignored repeated requests for help while you werent so sure about the companies future. Id be scared too but the news of you guys going under was a rumour at first that you quickly denied then admitted not long afterwards. You could of at least been more upfront and honest with your customers. Not that it means anything now anyway since whatever warranty with older OCZ products is void.
It will take you a long time to regain your reputation as a reliable brand after the Petrol & Octane SSD product lines.
I certainly wont be buying any OCZ SSDs any time soon.
Let me try and answer your concerns.
I hope your new SSDs will be more reliable then the ones you were making/selling prior to buyout by Toshiba. From what i hear, shit went south and there was nobody from OCZ left in forums to help the people who had issues after buying your products
well the forum team was totally unaffected, so i have no idea where you heard that, i think you really just needed to come over to the forum and see who was posting etc. Now we have opened a new forum and the old one is now gone, this is due to 90% of those products not being available any more and most were ocz technology products which is no longer trading...OCZ while keeping the main branding has transitioned into a new company.
Regards us making better products, moving to Toshiba is a major win for OCZ, we now have direct access to Nand flash, without having to fight for it, prior to Toshiba we had deals with many suppliers, while we did see nand we were being squeezed somewhat, all suppliers of Nand want to become SSD suppliers also, so why sell Nand to a competitor!
Also all the controllers have taken time to evolve, its taken 5 years to get the controllers to where we feel they are now of a technological standard to full fill the needs that SSD drives demand, so i don't think we supplied inferior products, i just feel the technology was in its infancy and now is way more mature.
Id be scared too but the news of you guys going under was a rumour at first that you quickly denied then admitted not long afterwards. You could of at least been more upfront and honest with your customers
we didn't actually go under, the terms of the takeover dictated what happened and yes i appreciate many would be concerned at what was being reported, Toshiba and OCZ were keen to uphold as many warranty claims as possible but there has to be a limit, so a balance had to be met...i think we did ok with some old drives still being supported...but obviously some are not.
It will take you a long time to regain your reputation as a reliable brand after the Petrol & Octane SSD product lines
well we do not offer those drives any more, regards reputation we do have work to do BUT we don't just sell end user drives any more...our enterprise side is doing quite well now which is allowing us to bring some focus back to the end user segment and offer drives we feel offer good value and the performance and the reliability end users want.
I certainly wont be buying any OCZ SSDs any time soon
well thats a strong opinion, however you would do better to say you will not be buying an ocztechnolgy drive any time soon

I don't work for ocz technology, i work for ocz storage solutions which is part of the Toshiba group of companies and things are very very different now...way better for our customers.
You need to see past what you think you know and see a new company pushing forward...lots has changed.
http://oczforum.com/ is the home to our new forum, the old one was switched off 1 month after we launched the new one.
we also have a support site just about to launch for the Radeon R7 line of SSD's, when its live I will drop by with a link for this too, so any customers who have questions will know where to come and ask them