W1zzard said, "NVIDIA has released an optimized driver for the game a couple of days ago, while we haven't heard a peep out of AMD - like usual. Even though the game runs great using AMD's latest 16.1 driver from earlier this month, I wish AMD would follow NVIDIA's practice to release an updated driver before a new big game comes out. This would give users the assurance that their rig will be ready for the game and also transport the message to customers that AMD cares about them."
Really... Nvidia has had this game for months to play with and optimize and you harp on RGT! I'd bet RGT has had like 6 weeks since they received the final version, and somehow they need to do better? Man if this was Nvidia's best effort, hate to see where they started. Perhaps RTG looked at it and said, we got no reason to mess with this, it runs fine. From the statement(s) above it came across like RTG has an issue, they obviously don't... As you said "The game feels right, provides immersive gameplay and comes with amazing graphics that run well on both".
Just because Nvidia has insecurities they have to portray "they did something" to get press, or probably most of their efforts went to cleanup their own Gamewreck issues, seem just as unambiguous. Nvidia tags it "Game Ready" and there's oohs-n-ahh's like it's it magical...
Is it me or are all these Nvidia titles now always feel overtly dark and strangely the same anymore.