At the same time, why burden modern devices with legacy hardware, when those that want to keep using old monitors can buy an adapter themselves instead?
The VGA output means one more SKU for the manufacturer and at least an associated round of tests specifically for that.
Oh I agree, I'm not saying the VGA output should stick around. Especially when you can get an HDMI to VGA adapter for under
$15. I have a couple of those on my tech bench, just so I can keep using my VGA KVM with new computers that have no VGA output(have you priced DVI/HDMI KVMs!).
My point was that not including a VGA output is in fact a negative. It is a minor negative, and I believe W1z has said several times that it does not affect the score, he just has to include it to let people know the card won't output a VGA signal.
The image quality with VGA on a TFT monitor is just horrible when compared to a digital output. And if that's some old monitor with VGA only, I'd just trash it or store it in a closet or something.
The quality is not bad. Really, people need to get over the idea that VGA meant bad quality, it just isn't true. I've got three 1080p monitors connected to my work PC right now, one with HDMI, one with DVI, and one with VGA, and you would not be able to pick out the VGA one only going by image quality.
And why waste a monitor by just putting it in storage, I'd much rather be using it. Even if it is just used as a secondary monitor, I'd rather it be used than sit wasted.
What I mean, is that why new hardware should support legacy technology from year to another? Motherboards have dropped PCI slots over the years, and that's also a good thing.
It is always a trade-off that the manufacturers have to figure out. In the case of PCI, that slot takes up space on a motherboard that other more modern slots could be using. So, removing it was a benefit for the consumer. However, VGA is different. It doesn't take up any output space on any card that already has DVI, because the VGA can be integrated into the DVI port. So removing VGA output can only be a negative for the consumer, and these reviews are written for the consumer. So no VGA output is listed as a Con. It is a minor con, but a con none the less.