The XG45 looks good, perhaps a low-budget card for a decent preformance.
With 128bit-256DDR3, it can compete directly to the 6600GT, with full HDTV support, and low heating of the chip if I read correctly.
I hope they dare a direct competing with the 6800GT&X800XT by using 2 chips on 1 board. Even if the price is doubled, they would present a 16pipes DDR3 256bits card for less then 400bucks, prolly more like 300.
I hope XGI stays in the running, because I miss the times of voodoo and the many manufacturors competeing against each other.
A long time nvidia has dominated since the gforce1, only ending when the ATI 8500 showed to be better then the GF3Ti500, which where almost released simuntaniously.
(note: the 8500 even preformed similar then the Gf4Ti)