These are completely worthless; especially when compared to EK's regular 25mm thick EVO Vardars as shown in the graphs, and compared to the plethora of San Ace (Sanyo), Nidec (Servo), Delta, and similar server-grade 38mm thick fans used by the hardcore. Moreso since some of those 38mm screamers actually sound pretty good at lower speeds while still pushing more air than typical 25mm fans, whereas the Meltemi barely exceeds that of regular 25mm thick radiator fans even at lower speeds. Even the classic Gentle Typhoon (the one used in the tests) as well as the A12x25 are close enough to make it a wash.
So I do have to wonder what is the exact purpose of this fan? Was this just EK's attempt to compete with the "big boys" in the 38mm thick fan space? Or just an e-peen attempt at a consumer level fan thicker than 25mm? If it's the former, they're still way out of their league. If it's the latter, then this would just be as big a bust as the Feser Triebwerk 120mm x 55mm Fans, which also weren't much better than the GTs they were meant to rival back then despite being much thicker and longer (granted, the Triebwerks looked nice; kind of like a giant acrylic ice cube sitting on the radiators, but that was it).