"Generally speaking, when it comes to long-term platform support, AMD has been the trendsetter. " Yeah, no.
Yeah, let's start a review of a production environment targeted INTEL board with two paragrpahs about AMD. "/r/AMD represent!" right?
"insert bunch of info here dating back to AMD's 386 era and me owning them to pad my credibility", but forget all that. For the younger PC gear enthusiasts all I have to mention is my recent Gigabyte X370 Gaming 5 motherboard experience and how the promised compatibility or the "long-term platform support", to quote the review article, never expanded past the 1600X that went into it originally. A WinRaid-forums hacked BIOS might have afforded me some Zen+ compatibility. Once Zen2 rolled around it was game over, for what amounted to a relatively pricey X370 chipset flagship motherboard. Zen3 you ask? BAHAHAWAA!