I have this mouse and I have no real issues with the tracking. I also haven't experienced any stalling, maybe it's the particular sample you used.
Previously I owned a Logitech MX518 gaming mouse which i loved, but thought i'd try this out when I gave my MX518 to a friend. I also got this for a bargain at $25 CDN.
My Battlefield 2 stats went up, particularly in Accuracy % and Kill/Death ratio: stats with the two different mice:
1.86 K/D ratio, 24% Hit Accuracy
OCZ Equalizer:
2.04 K/D ratio, 27% Hit Accuracy
My old 400dpi standard optical mouse:
1.6K/D, 21% hit accuracy
WarEagle, you shouldn't judge a product on just one review... There are tons of other reviews for this mouse btw.
Also, it did take atleast 2 or 3 weeks to get used to the change in feel... so it's important to thinnk whether a lot of these reviews have spent enough time with a device to fully become comfortable with it, and not carry over their assumptions of how it should feel vs. their previous device of choice.