We benchmarked ray tracing too in this review and saw massive performance drops. For example, enabling ray tracing effects in Resident Evil Village 1080p dropped the FPS from an enjoyable 80 FPS to 7.5 FPS, a 91% loss. Other titles are similarly affected: Watch Dogs Legion: -64%, Deathloop: -68%, Cyberpunk -75%. Two games, Control and Doom Eternal, simply refused to enable ray tracing, probably because of the 4 GB VRAM size. The Radeon RX 6500 XT really doesn't have the horsepower for ray tracing, but that's no big deal, I think.
Excuse me Wizzard ,but for
historical reasons i'll have to disagree.
Personally , i never forgot the statement that AMD's senior VP of engineering for RTG ,David Wang had made 3-years ago ,curiously enough ,exactly the time when nVIDIA was introducing their first RayTracing implementations with Turing:
Back then ,Wang responding to the fact that nVIDIA 's RTX features were only supported from mid/upper range of their lineup ,he had stated that :
"""Utilisation of ray tracing games will not proceed unless we can offer ray tracing in all product ranges from low end to high end"""
https://www.game-debate.com/news/26...until-even-low-end-radeon-gpus-can-support-it )
I had to wait for 3 years , but i never forgot to check what will eventually happen with Wang's statement.
And ,since the passing of time always comes , after seeing those RT
numbers , it's finally time for me to wish
"good luck" to those who had taken Wang's statement
seriously back then , and they are brave enough to enable RayTracing with those lower-tier products.