I wouldn't buy moondrop or anything from shenzhenaudion no matter how good these IEM sound. The first still has a lot of QC issues on a lot of products and the second, being in china, refuse refunds.
I'm with you on the latter but not on the former.
I've owned, and still own, a lot of Moondrop products. Their support is odd but it works. In my worst case I busted a set of Blessing2s (still the best bang for the buck out there) by having a 2pin connector snap off in them. The US based vendor (Headphones.com which is highly respectable) wouldn't touch it at all. I was SOL which is odd for them but oh well. They sent me to an audiophile forum which told me to slap superglue onto the end of a tootpick and extract it that way.... superglue + wood + iem is obviously bullshit I said the hell with it and went for it. Que fail and now the thing is glued into the damn IEM.
While Moondrop themselves will not sell or replace a single IEM (this is odd as Western brands like say Shure will do this in a second and pay for the shipping, and I've had Shure and Sennheiser do this for products I bought in one case two decades ago and in the other case a decade ago) they put me in contact with their "support" contract. She's in China and went by the name Emily for us but I speak more than a few languages to know that's not her name. I shipped my superglued into the pin socket Blessing 2 to her. Shipping two and from China during COVID aside the process was flawless. I paid the shipping there and the repairs were free and it was shipped back to me fixed for free.
You're simply not going to get refunds or good quality control off ChiFi products unless you're biting above the kilobuck range, and even then you roll the dice. But Moondrop did put me in contact with Emily who did fix my issue, the cost was stupidly cheap, they stood by their product, Emily was great through the whole process, and outside of shipping time which is not their fault I can't find any flaws in my repair.
I won't buy these for one major reasons. Fuck these colaborations. These are all vastly more limited runs and then they are done. So should it break you are shit out of luck.
For Shenzhen when dealing with a lot of vendors it's also who you deal with there. People have problems in the US with apple, amazon, microsoft, dell, newegg, you name it there are horror stories and shit shows all around. I've never had one. It's also largely based on how much you spend though.