Near useless card, can't use AA&AF, goes slower than a x1800gto and this is with SM2.0. Wonder what happens to performance when you enable AA&AF in SM3.0 or better yet SM4.0. 3dmark06 score looks quite perty, closes in near my card, but that is without antialiaising and anistropic of course. (and no, anyone should not play without those, if you buy a new GPU

) I'd bet that 128-bit memory bus width is to blame on the AA/AF performance, atleast my previous card (x800gto) and this don't have that problem, both with 256bit.
This is 149$ and x1950xt (no x1900xt available anymore) goes for:
SAPPHIRE 100186L Radeon X1950XT 256MB GDDR3 PCI Express x16 VIVO HDCP
$179.99 ($149.99 after $30.00 Mail-In Rebate)
in newegg. Yeah you don't get DX10, but you get a lot faster GPU with the same price.
Oh and voltage reculators (and those smaller ones)
seems to be missing some stuff still, wonder if it's for the 512MB version or something faster (like HD2900gto).
Something positive too, do like the cooler and power consumption, but missing extra powerplug kinda gives that away and also the performance
Should this read 512MB? Isn't this car a 256MB model.
"Nothing important on the back of the card. You can see four empty spots for BGA memory, which would allow building an 1 GB version which is coming soon."