****QUOTE**** The SteelSeries Ikari Laser mouse is not better than the DeathAdder for low or medium sensitivity ****QUOTE****
Well, im a very hardcore FPS gamer, and my main game is CSS, and 1.6, now I know DPI = to your sensitivity level, and for me I like mine low in those two games around 2.7
Now does DPI affect that or no, like I have 2.7 sens in css, and my mouse is set to 2000DPI, will that change my gameplay/sensitivity.
If the deathadder is set for high sensitivity levels, i might re-think about geting it, im trained for low, even though i heard about how you can change DPI setting on that mouse. I have also heard that the lower you put DPI on deathadder the mouse doesnt work as affencient as it should? True or False?
Also, if some one could explain the DPI setting on mouse to Gameing sensitviity, whats the difference?