ABKONCORE has recently announced the B719M Virtual 7.1 Gaming Headset, the headset features RGB lighting, large earcups, adjustable headband, and 50 mm drivers. The headset features cross-platform compatibility with support for PC, Phone, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. The headset cable includes an inline audio controller with volume control and mic/vibration buttons, the headset also features a USB power connector for RGB lighting effects on PC. A 3.5 mm to USB adapter is also included for PC use.
The headset features dual 50 mm neodymium drivers with an impedance of 32Ω, sensitivity of 122dB, frequency of 20Hz-20KHz, and a maximum power of 30 mW. The adjustable microphone comes with an impedance of 2.2KΩ and a sensitivity of -42dB.
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The headset features dual 50 mm neodymium drivers with an impedance of 32Ω, sensitivity of 122dB, frequency of 20Hz-20KHz, and a maximum power of 30 mW. The adjustable microphone comes with an impedance of 2.2KΩ and a sensitivity of -42dB.
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