Man this suxs soooo much. I went and took of my new Heat Sink and put back on the old HR-03 and it wouldn't even boot. My MB gave me the Beeb code you get when you have no GPU installed. So then I put back the Artic and still the same shit.
I think the Mem was Overheating as welll, but I was useing that padded stuff it came with that was ment to cool the Mem, I guess it didn't work well.
Now I think I have broken my card.

and for nothing, it wasn't even during an OC.
Unless someone has some Magical Idea, I think I have lost this card for good.
Also trying to remove the RAM heatsinks that came with my HR-03 I used a Flat Head Screw Driver. I did scratch like two GDDR4 Mem Chips trying to remove it, but they are like very minor surface scratches. I just don't know what to think.