i7-6820hk, now I notice that box isn't greyed out anymore after I booted the Windows again today, the feature isn't that important for me, because I have very good cooling and won't go over 85C, unless I do extreme stress testingWhat CPU do you have? Most 12th Gen and newer CPUs always lock BD PROCHOT in the enabled position.
Hello.After I delete throttle and restet my computer.BD PROCHOT being always greyed out,too.How can I set it in bios?The ability to disable and lock BD PROCHOT is a little flaky at the moment. It is at the top of the list of things to fix. I finally have access to a MSI laptop that allows me to enable or disable BD PROCHOT in its Advanced bios. This will allow me to properly test the BD PROCHOT feature so it works as intended.
What CPU do you have? Most computers do not let you change BD PROCHOT in the BIOS. Most 12th Gen and newer computers have BD PROCHOT enabled and this setting is locked.How can I set it in bios?
That is a good thing. Hopefully it is locked and disabled.My BD PROCHOT in the main ThrottleStop page is greyed out