zekrahminator said:
Well I'm glad you like it! And the money you can save on internet can be spent on other things too...like s'mores flavored pop-tarts

Yea, it's pretty good thusfar, vs. using Cablemodems!
I found out now, that for sure, that I never REALLY needed 600++ kb/sec rates & all that!
(Heck - I never really truly took advantage of that imo, & never really could anyways (even w/ HUGE files transferrals, which is EXTREMELY rare for me to be moving around online via the public internet @ least)).
Then again, on the 'flipside' of the speed coin?
Dialup was way, WAY TOO slow, & the updates + program freeware downloads I mostly do took FOREVER & A DAY to do...
You might find this tough to believe, but...
I actually opted to do dialup (as an experiment 2-3 years ago)! It isn't "bad", if you don't count on hauling down binary data imo... emailing, chatting, html data content, it all compresses well enough so that dialup is NOT bad.
I did the dialup MAINLY to see if the Tcp/IP networking & other hacks in that area worked out & could be made "fairly generic" into .reg files I could export/import quickly to new system setups, & yet function on CableModem, DSL, & dialup!
(The latter (dialup) has a few diff.'s but not many, mainly packet passing sizes & things like GlobalTcpSendWindow/GlobalTcpReceiveWindow, MTU/MSS/RWIN, etc.) using those exact (nearly) same .reg file import/export performance & security oriented settings)...
* Thus, DSL just seems to fit the bill, optimally in terms of performance & savings here for me @ least, & imo, best bonus is now I KNOW FOR SURE what registry settings work "across the boards" for CableModem, DSL, and even dialup (w/ minor alterations only)!
P.S.=> The money I save (actually goes in a tiny envelope here in a firebox) will be applied to the DDRDrive x1 PCI-e based Solid-State disk once it releases... @ least, that is my plan for it now (can change, just like anything else - "the best laid plans...")... apk