Even if it's possible, I would not recommend it.

Lots of programs have
dependencies, and if your program can't find the files in the standard location it will crash.
Any application that is installed is responsible for knowing where to find "its" dependencies. Those could be Windows-provided ones, which DO have pre-defined locations. But perhaps you are speaking about Company ABC having two apps - Dog and Cat - and Cat has dependencies on some dll's in Dog's installation folder. If so, again I is the responsibility of any installed application to know how to find all of the dependencies it relies on.
I appreciate ALL of the replies!! And I will offer up an apology because . . .
I know that NVCleanstall can be run directly from the .exe or INSTALLED using the same EXE. I also know that if you DO choose to do a full install, the application allows you to pick the folder. So I honestly have NO F'IN CLUE what application I was referring to when I wrote this post!!

I did have a hellish surgery the at the end of April, and I posted this at 0431, so I am blaming pain, lack of sleep, and narcotic pain killers!!