Hi, i have a laptop that i know isn´t for gaming but i'm casually playing games like Rocket League and CS2. It is an Asus Laptop with a i5-1135 g7, and 16 gb ram. I'm experiencing fps drops in gaming. I saw that ThrottleStop had limits alerts from BD-PROCHOT and EDP OTHER and I assumed that maybe they were the cause of this. EDP OTHER literally appears to me until I turn on the laptop and then during the game even though I clean the data it reappears. I recently changed the thermal paste so I doubt it's a temperature issue. I set PL1 and PL2 to 25, but I also tried leaving it by default as the computer brings it and even lowering it a little, but the reasons for BD PROCHOT and EDP OTHER limits keep appearing. I saw some posts where it was mentioned that you could put PP0 at 0 and try, Power limit at 0 or 1023 and try, but I literally tried all the combinations, turning off both, leaving both on, leaving one on and the other not. I'm going to leave the Log file. Something I noticed is that nothing about BD PROCHOT appears (I think) but I do see them in the reasons for limits. If anyone has any idea what may be happening, I would appreciate it if you could tell me. PD: Thanks and sorry for my english.