What are you trying to accomplish or what problem are you trying to solve?
I like checking the MMIO Lock box.
If you want to undervolt the Intel GPU you also have to undervolt the iGPU Unslice or else this will probably not do anything. When you have a Nvidia GPU, I prefer to leave the Intel GPU and Unslice offset at 0 mV.
I set Power Limit 4 to a value of 0.
Check the Speed Shift box in the TPL window to send the Min and Max values to the CPU. If this does not work, let me know so I can try and fix it.
Nothing you do is going to significantly change the lifespan or damage your CPU. Intel CPUs are designed to last a long time. Most people get a new computer long before their old CPU dies.laptops lifespan or damaging the CPU
I have never found that adjusting this does very much. Do some testing on your laptop to see if this accomplishes anything. The difference in power consumption is probably going to be minimal. No one else seems to be adjusting the System Agent.should I adjust the system agent offset
Set these to whatever values you like. This is totally up to you. Use big numbers if you want maximum performance or you can reduce the speed of your CPU to reduce the amount of heat it puts out. You decide what you want.how much should I set the values of min and max ?
Nothing you do is going to significantly change the lifespan or damage your CPU. Intel CPUs are designed to last a long time. Most people get a new computer long before their old CPU dies.
I have never found that adjusting this does very much. Do some testing on your laptop to see if this accomplishes anything. The difference in power consumption is probably going to be minimal. No one else seems to be adjusting the System Agent.
Set these to whatever values you like. This is totally up to you. Use big numbers if you want maximum performance or you can reduce the speed of your CPU to reduce the amount of heat it puts out. You decide what you want.
Your screenshot shows that at 29.0W, your CPU is only at 82°C. That is way better than the temperature most laptops with a 10510U operate at. Intel rates their CPUs to be able to run reliably at up to 100°C. Intel says any temperature less than this is a "safe operating temperature". That is why Intel sets the default thermal throttling temperature to 100°C. The CPU is designed to slow down so it will always be at a safe temperature so you do not have to worry about it.
Your laptop has set a PROCHOT Offset value of 8 which will force your CPU to thermal throttle and slow down at 92°C instead of the full Intel recommended 100°C. In other words, your CPU is extra safe. If you open the Options window you will see the PROCHOT Offset setting is set to 8. If you do not see a lock icon near this setting, you can lower the PROCHOT Offset value to raise the thermal throttling temperature. If this setting is locked then leave it alone. Setting this to 3 is a better compromise if it is not locked. On my desktop computer, I always leave this offset set to 0.
If you set the PROCHOT Offset to 5 instead of 8 then your CPU will start to thermal throttle and slow down at 95°C instead of 92°C. That is only going to help when your CPU gets up to those temperatures.I made PROCHOT at 5,
What thermal limit issue do you have? Your computer seems to be running very well at a reasonable temperature. Most modern laptops are running hotter than your laptop. Your cooling pad is probably helping too.will this solve thermal limit issue?
I did not engineer your laptop so I do not know why your computer is using BD PROCHOT throttling. I always clear the BD PROCHOT box on the main screen of ThrottleStop. If you are concerned that this might damage your computer then leave the BD PROCHOT box checked. No one has ever told me that their computer was damaged because the BD PROCHOT box was clear but anything is possible.I am seeing BD PROCHOT limit
I would leave TDP Level at 2 in TDP-up mode. That is best. No need to check this box.TDP level says up
Only look at the limit boxes under the CORE column of Limit Reasons.how can I get red rid of the other limits ?
Many laptops with low power U series CPUs have power or current limits that are enforced. When that is the case, there really is nothing you can do.I guess nothing else we can do
Hello my Pc has so much limits on how do I prevent these?Many laptops with low power U series CPUs have power or current limits that are enforced. When that is the case, there really is nothing you can do.
In Windows 11, you can use ThrottleStop to undervolt or you can use the virtualization features but you cannot use both of these features at the same time. I see no reason why Microsoft had to block access to the voltage control register but they did block it.
There is one trick where the voltages are applied before Windows first loads. I have zero experience doing this. Here is some more info about PowerMonkey.
Undervolting on Windows 11 with PowerMonkey | Mr Eggtart.
How to undervolt in Windows 11 with Hyper-V, WSL or WSL2 enabled, when ThrottleStop and Intel XTU stopped to function properly.mreggtart.com
uh ok. So what am I gonna do?@1HydrOxide1
Do not create more than one thread about the same problem.