Good news for the man on the street. NVIDIA after the most recent positive benchmarking reports is now extensively marketing the RTX 3070 (base price $499) against the previous flagship RTX 2080ti once a $1,200 kingpin card then accessible only to people with high disposble incomes or the lucky few. For me driving a forklift on the third shift it's all about the $499 it cost now for a base 3070 and the performance it brings to the table. It's hard to figure out NVIDIA and why they would drop a new generation 3070 on the market (with its measurable muscle) and then at far less than 'half of the cost' for what enthusiasts had to fork over earlier for a 2080ti. With this NVIDIA now has given me hope, logical reasoning and a dream in now finally owning a used 2080ti for at least half of the cost of a base 3070. A blue collar worker dream come true. Meanwhile of course I will be 'chucking along' on my hobbled-together ($250) Dell XPS 730x H2C compliments from the Bangladesh PC shop. I am still playing 2009 Wolfenstein and modded Silent Hunter III. Just perhaps my 2080ti train along with' Metro Exodus' will come around by early 2021 so that I can greet the Aurora crew at Novosibirsk station in maximum settings? Madhu confirmed that the used 1080ti/2080ti series market (many crytocurrency based) is already heating up and noted that when I see him at the next computer show that cash is king just like in Mumbai. Well with hard earned cash in hand the Bangladesh boys my even throw-in a copy of Fallout 4 long on my list to own and to play.