You won't be able to flash that card to another, because it's the non-a variant.
You will get GPU Mismatch for all other "OC" bios versions for the 1E07 device. There is an unverified unlocked palit bios in the database that works on my windforce card, but it disables the middle fan (and turns it into a 2 fan card). So if you do go that route you will need a Kracken or some sort of custom cooling on it. I think it lets you open the power limiter to 122% vs the stock 112% (280W)
the best thing to do to that card is to hard undervolt @ 900mv with aggressive stepdowns. That way you can average 1920Mhz in games @ 275w and then drop to 1870 -1850 when pwr throttling.
Most 2080ti get better results avoiding pwr throttle vs max OC anyways.
Here is how to do it in afterburner:
my settings are:
1935 @ 900mv
1875 @ 875
1800 @ 850
1760 @ 800
So your clocks never drop below 1760 even in worst case.
Also if you have the samsung chips a +700mhz or greater OC on the memory really does add some fps.