To activate the Debug Bios:
Enter BIOS → disable OneKeyBattery → save and exit. Poweroff the laptop. Power button to turn on → F2 to enter the normal BIOS → Power button to turn off → then press, moving fast, the following keys in sequence
F1 → 1 → Q → A → Z
F2 → 2 → W → S → X
F3 → 3 → E → D → C
F4 → 4 → R → F → V
F5 → 5 → T → G → B
F6 → 6 → Y → H → N
Turn on the power button → F2 enters the hidden Debug BIOS.
Then go to;
Advanced → Power & Performance → CPU-Power Management Control → CPU Lock Configuration → CFG Lock → Disabled
Then go to;
Advanced → System Agent (SA) Configuration → Graphic Configuration → DVMT Pre-Allocated Selection → DVMT Pre-Allocated → Set to 160MB
save and exit.
There is a lot of customizable in the Debug Bios, just change the two points CPU-Lock & Graphic DVMT !!!!
With other points you break the system.
If it doesn't work, look in
this page for a possible BIOS editor.