I been listening to all kinds of music, and movies since getting them, and they bring soo much more out of everything then just my JVC set on their own. Not owning them before I thought it all sounded great, but adding this to it all, OMG. They got massive praises after looking into them when they come out, and IMO, still do a darn good/great job. When people say I bought XXX, and I heard stuff I never heard before, I thought was pretty much bs. But yes, with these, I actually hear stuff I didnt hear before, or wasnt pronounced enough with what I had to really stand out, as much as it does now with this set added in. Case in point, the song, Keith Dont Go, in the link provided below music track, the guitar in that song is freakin sweet before these, but after, the fingers going across the strings as he plays just pops out of nowhere now, and really there is a difference between without them, and with them just as an example with that one song. I have to say, if you can get your hands on them, do not pass them up in any way. If you can find them as a complete set with the bass cube as well, well then IM JEALOUS! But pair them with another set that does mid to low bass, for they have NONE of that, but what they do have added to what you already have, will put a smile on you from ear to ear
Playlist · Sven Kruse · 848 items · 10.4K saves