I recently bought a few Zotac 3060 Ti cards off of FB marketplace but unfortunately ran into issues when attempting to get them to work. First and foremost, on some of the cards, I get fan spin on startup. However on one or two of the others, I don't. I've tried to do work on the cards that have fan spin first as those seem to be easier. I'm guessing the previous owner messed with the VBIOS, as when any of the cards are plugged in, there is no image nor does it show up in device manager. These cards also do not show up in GPU-Z when plugged in. The only place I am able to see that the card is connected is using nvflash. In the screenshot below, the GPU-Z image only detects my Gigabyte card which is in my first pci-e slot. The nvflash screenshot shows both cards are plugged in, whereas the Gigabyte is in the first 16x slot while the Zotac card is in the third. I have tried two versions of the vbios which work with this card, both with no significant result. If anyone has any advice for what I may be doing wrong or any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I recently bought a few Zotac 3060 Ti cards off of FB marketplace but unfortunately ran into issues when attempting to get them to work. First and foremost, on some of the cards, I get fan spin on startup. However on one or two of the others, I don't. I've tried to do work on the cards that have fan spin first as those seem to be easier. I'm guessing the previous owner messed with the VBIOS, as when any of the cards are plugged in, there is no image nor does it show up in device manager. These cards also do not show up in GPU-Z when plugged in. The only place I am able to see that the card is connected is using nvflash. In the screenshot below, the GPU-Z image only detects my Gigabyte card which is in my first pci-e slot. The nvflash screenshot shows both cards are plugged in, whereas the Gigabyte is in the first 16x slot while the Zotac card is in the third. I have tried two versions of the vbios which work with this card, both with no significant result. If anyone has any advice for what I may be doing wrong or any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.