Hey guys, wondering if some people wanna give me some advice on a triple monitor setup. Im planning on running a MSI Gaming Edition GTX 780 3GB with a Intel i7-4790k and 16GB RAM for a new gaming/software development PC. For my monitors, I want to run 3 in a typical side by side setup with the 2 on the end curved inwards. Im looking to spend about 200 per moniter, but ill dip over that if its a steal or a really good value. With this setup, im looking to game on all 3 (5760x1080) most likely. This will only be fore a few games like maybe skyrim on med settings or racing/simulation games. for the most part ill be gaming on a single monitor. One requirement I have is bezel width. I want the black space in between the monitors to be very thin. Another key factor im looking into is whether or not a 60hz monitor is good for me with what im planning to do. A good brand ive been seeing is ASUS or maybe even a samsung. Btw, im looking between 22-25 inchs. And i live in Canada as well.
Triple monitor setup
Running on a GTX 780
$200~ per
some games i want to run on all 3 at once but not all of them and probably not at max settings
60Hz good enough?
Bezel width.
Live in Canada
Here are some options I came up with:
ASUS VN248h-p: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236335
ASUS VN247h-p: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236307
ASUS MX239h: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236310&cm_re=mx239h-_-24-236-310-_-Product
I really like the 239h, the bezel seems almost non-existent. bit out of my price range, so probably only if they go on sale.
HOMYGOD: http://rog.asus.com/324842014/gamin...ilable-july-g-sync-144hz-wqhd-gaming-monitor/
this is literally THE PERFECT MONITOR. looks DEADLY, 1ms response time, 144Hz, small bezels and 27inch. too bad it costs more for 1 of these than my budget for all 3 monitors
Triple monitor setup
Running on a GTX 780
$200~ per
some games i want to run on all 3 at once but not all of them and probably not at max settings
60Hz good enough?
Bezel width.
Live in Canada
Here are some options I came up with:
ASUS VN248h-p: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236335
ASUS VN247h-p: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236307
ASUS MX239h: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236310&cm_re=mx239h-_-24-236-310-_-Product
I really like the 239h, the bezel seems almost non-existent. bit out of my price range, so probably only if they go on sale.
HOMYGOD: http://rog.asus.com/324842014/gamin...ilable-july-g-sync-144hz-wqhd-gaming-monitor/
this is literally THE PERFECT MONITOR. looks DEADLY, 1ms response time, 144Hz, small bezels and 27inch. too bad it costs more for 1 of these than my budget for all 3 monitors
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