So I recently started setting up an ancient laptop of my past to give away to friend who needs it. I wanted to put some games on it to demonstrate what the laptop could handle, and one of them happened to be Crysis, which the computer has always struggled with even at medium settings. I made this config to get the game looking as pretty as possible, while still performing between 20 - 30 FPS in most areas. Below are two videos of the config, followed by the config itself. Let me know what you think!
Maximum LowCandy config running on HP Pavilion DV6 laptop:
Maximum LowCandy config running at over 100FPS in 4K resolution on my modern gaming desktop:
And finally, the Maximum LowCandy config itself. Just create a text document called "Autoexec.cfg," paste this text in, and move the text file into the Crysis root directory. These settings will now load upon starting the game.
r_driver =Dx9
sys_spec_Full = 1
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 1
sys_spec_Shading = 1
sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 1
sys_spec_Texture = 1
sys_spec_Physics = 1
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1
sys_spec_Particles = 1
sys_spec_Sound = 1
sys_spec_Shadows = 1
sys_spec_Water = 1
sys_spec_GameEffects = 1
con_restricted = 0
r_width =
r_height =
r_VSync = 0
d3d9_TripleBuffering = 0
r_displayinfo = 1
sys_physics_CPU = 3
e_cbuffer = 2
e_cbuffer_hw = 1
e_cbuffer_terrain 1
e_cbuffer_terrain_lod_ratio = 1
e_cbuffer_terrain_max_distance = 1024
e_dynamic_light_consistent_sort_order = 1
r_CullGeometryForLights = 1
r_OcclusionQueriesMGPU = 0
e_hw_occlusion_culling_objects = 1
e_hw_occlusion_culling_water = 1
r_UseGSParticles = 0
cl_hitBlur = 0
cl_hitShake = 0
r_MultiGPU = 0
r_GeomInstancing = 1
e_particles_thread = 1
es_ondemandphysics = 1
gpu_particle_physics = 1
r_CullGeometryForLights = 1
e_vegetation_static_instancing = 0
e_terrain_occlusion_culling = 1
e_terrain_occlusion_culling_version = 0
e_terrain_occlusion_culling_max_dist = 200
e_screenshot_width = 2048
e_screenshot_height = 1536
e_screenshot_quality = 100
e_screenshot_file_format = jpg
s_SpeakerConfig = 5
r_displayinfo = 1
e_sky_type = 1
r_PostProcessEffects = 1
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_Flares = 1
r_Coronas = 1
r_UseEdgeAA = 2
sys_flash_edgeaa = 1
r_colorgrading = 1
r_GlowScreenMultiplier = 0.2
r_WaterGodRays = 1
r_HDRlevel = 0.58
r_HDRBrightOffset = 3
r_HDRBrightThreshold = 2
r_HDRRendering = 1
r_EyeAdaptionClamp = 2.5
q_ShaderGeneral = 2
q_ShaderMetal = 2
q_ShaderGlass = 2
q_ShaderVegetation = 2
q_ShaderIce = 0
q_ShaderTerrain = 1
q_ShaderShadow = 1
q_ShaderFX = 1
q_ShaderHDR = 1
q_ShaderSky = 1
r_LightsSinglePass = 1
r_WaterRefractions = 1
r_WaterReflections = 1
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.001
e_water_tesselation_amount = 10
e_water_tesselation_swath_width = 10
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 0.9
r_WaterCaustics = 1
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 2
e_water_ocean_fft = 1
q_ShaderWater = 2
r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0.05
r_DepthOfField = 0
e_shadows = 1
r_ShadowJittering = 0.3
e_shadows_max_texture_size = 512
r_ShadowBlur = 2
e_gsm_lods_num = 3
e_gsm_range = 4
e_shadows_cast_view_dist_ratio = 0.45
r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 2
e_shadows_on_alpha_blended = 0
e_shadows_from_terrain_in_all_lods = 0
e_gsm_cache = 0
e_obj_quality = 1
e_proc_vegetation = 1
ca_useDecals = 1
e_decals = 1
e_decals_allow_game_decals = 1
e_decals_life_time_scale = 0.5
e_lod_ratio = 4
e_lod_min = 2
e_view_dist_ratio_detail = 30
e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation = 40
e_vegetation_min_size = 1.0
i_rejecteffects = 1
e_vegetation_bending = 2
sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 8
e_view_dist_ratio = 60
e_max_view_dst_spec_lerp = 0.5
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_custom_ratio_min = 1
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = 1.45
e_detail_materials_view_dist_z = 128
es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0.3
e_cbuffer_resolution = 128
e_dissolve = 1
ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1
ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 120
i_rejecteffects = 1
e_vegetation_bending = 1
sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 4
e_max_entity_lights = 4
r_FillLights = 4
e_particles_lights = 1
r_Beams = 3
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.05
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 32
e_Clouds = 1
r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
e_cull_veg_activation = 40
g_joint_breaking = 1
g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0.35
p_max_MC_iters = 2000
e_phys_foliage = 2
e_vegetation_wind = 0
es_MaxPhysDist = 40
es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 10
e_phys_ocean_cell = 0
e_foliage_wind_activation_dist = 10
g_breakage_particles_limit = 70
v_vehicle_quality = 1
p_max_substeps_large_group = 3
p_num_bodies_large_group = 30
e_particles_quality = 2
e_particles_lod = 0.75
e_particles_max_emitter_draw_screen = 8
r_UseSoftParticles = 1
e_water_ocean_soft_particles = 1
e_particles_object_collisions = 0
sys_LowSpecPak = 0
r_TexResolution = 0
r_TexBumpResolution = 0
r_TexSkyResolution = 2
r_ImpostersDraw = 1
r_ImposterRatio = 1
r_EnvCMResolution = 1
r_EnvTexResolution = 2
r_DynTexMaxSize = 80
r_TexAtlasSize = 512
r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 6
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 16
r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 64
Let me know what you all think!
Maximum LowCandy config running on HP Pavilion DV6 laptop:
Maximum LowCandy config running at over 100FPS in 4K resolution on my modern gaming desktop:
And finally, the Maximum LowCandy config itself. Just create a text document called "Autoexec.cfg," paste this text in, and move the text file into the Crysis root directory. These settings will now load upon starting the game.
r_driver =Dx9
sys_spec_Full = 1
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 1
sys_spec_Shading = 1
sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 1
sys_spec_Texture = 1
sys_spec_Physics = 1
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1
sys_spec_Particles = 1
sys_spec_Sound = 1
sys_spec_Shadows = 1
sys_spec_Water = 1
sys_spec_GameEffects = 1
con_restricted = 0
r_width =
r_height =
r_VSync = 0
d3d9_TripleBuffering = 0
r_displayinfo = 1
sys_physics_CPU = 3
e_cbuffer = 2
e_cbuffer_hw = 1
e_cbuffer_terrain 1
e_cbuffer_terrain_lod_ratio = 1
e_cbuffer_terrain_max_distance = 1024
e_dynamic_light_consistent_sort_order = 1
r_CullGeometryForLights = 1
r_OcclusionQueriesMGPU = 0
e_hw_occlusion_culling_objects = 1
e_hw_occlusion_culling_water = 1
r_UseGSParticles = 0
cl_hitBlur = 0
cl_hitShake = 0
r_MultiGPU = 0
r_GeomInstancing = 1
e_particles_thread = 1
es_ondemandphysics = 1
gpu_particle_physics = 1
r_CullGeometryForLights = 1
e_vegetation_static_instancing = 0
e_terrain_occlusion_culling = 1
e_terrain_occlusion_culling_version = 0
e_terrain_occlusion_culling_max_dist = 200
e_screenshot_width = 2048
e_screenshot_height = 1536
e_screenshot_quality = 100
e_screenshot_file_format = jpg
s_SpeakerConfig = 5
r_displayinfo = 1
e_sky_type = 1
r_PostProcessEffects = 1
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_Flares = 1
r_Coronas = 1
r_UseEdgeAA = 2
sys_flash_edgeaa = 1
r_colorgrading = 1
r_GlowScreenMultiplier = 0.2
r_WaterGodRays = 1
r_HDRlevel = 0.58
r_HDRBrightOffset = 3
r_HDRBrightThreshold = 2
r_HDRRendering = 1
r_EyeAdaptionClamp = 2.5
q_ShaderGeneral = 2
q_ShaderMetal = 2
q_ShaderGlass = 2
q_ShaderVegetation = 2
q_ShaderIce = 0
q_ShaderTerrain = 1
q_ShaderShadow = 1
q_ShaderFX = 1
q_ShaderHDR = 1
q_ShaderSky = 1
r_LightsSinglePass = 1
r_WaterRefractions = 1
r_WaterReflections = 1
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.001
e_water_tesselation_amount = 10
e_water_tesselation_swath_width = 10
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 0.9
r_WaterCaustics = 1
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 2
e_water_ocean_fft = 1
q_ShaderWater = 2
r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0.05
r_DepthOfField = 0
e_shadows = 1
r_ShadowJittering = 0.3
e_shadows_max_texture_size = 512
r_ShadowBlur = 2
e_gsm_lods_num = 3
e_gsm_range = 4
e_shadows_cast_view_dist_ratio = 0.45
r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 2
e_shadows_on_alpha_blended = 0
e_shadows_from_terrain_in_all_lods = 0
e_gsm_cache = 0
e_obj_quality = 1
e_proc_vegetation = 1
ca_useDecals = 1
e_decals = 1
e_decals_allow_game_decals = 1
e_decals_life_time_scale = 0.5
e_lod_ratio = 4
e_lod_min = 2
e_view_dist_ratio_detail = 30
e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation = 40
e_vegetation_min_size = 1.0
i_rejecteffects = 1
e_vegetation_bending = 2
sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 8
e_view_dist_ratio = 60
e_max_view_dst_spec_lerp = 0.5
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_custom_ratio_min = 1
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = 1.45
e_detail_materials_view_dist_z = 128
es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0.3
e_cbuffer_resolution = 128
e_dissolve = 1
ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1
ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 120
i_rejecteffects = 1
e_vegetation_bending = 1
sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 4
e_max_entity_lights = 4
r_FillLights = 4
e_particles_lights = 1
r_Beams = 3
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.05
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 32
e_Clouds = 1
r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
e_cull_veg_activation = 40
g_joint_breaking = 1
g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0.35
p_max_MC_iters = 2000
e_phys_foliage = 2
e_vegetation_wind = 0
es_MaxPhysDist = 40
es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 10
e_phys_ocean_cell = 0
e_foliage_wind_activation_dist = 10
g_breakage_particles_limit = 70
v_vehicle_quality = 1
p_max_substeps_large_group = 3
p_num_bodies_large_group = 30
e_particles_quality = 2
e_particles_lod = 0.75
e_particles_max_emitter_draw_screen = 8
r_UseSoftParticles = 1
e_water_ocean_soft_particles = 1
e_particles_object_collisions = 0
sys_LowSpecPak = 0
r_TexResolution = 0
r_TexBumpResolution = 0
r_TexSkyResolution = 2
r_ImpostersDraw = 1
r_ImposterRatio = 1
r_EnvCMResolution = 1
r_EnvTexResolution = 2
r_DynTexMaxSize = 80
r_TexAtlasSize = 512
r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 6
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 16
r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 64
Let me know what you all think!