Regarding the empty city thing, I think that Need For Speed Unbound did it much better than TDUSC from what I gather from watching videos of gameplay. I agree that having the same amount of traffic as HK would not be fun; I just think that the sparse traffic combined with the lack of people on the streets kills the feeling that you're in a big city.
Also, I should rephrase. I don't really care whether or not the game has a story; I just don't want the game to feel corporate. I feel like it does right now. Just my 2¢ though.
As far as performance goes, I really wish that they worked on optimization more than they did. Not asking for FH5 levels of optimization, just wish it was better.
If they put pedestrians in game, it will either lead to people complain there's too few people to be realistic or too many people to cause heavy performance penalties. And they don't add much to the game, so...
Not sure what "corporate" means here, but I think the game is trying not to be a NFS knockoff. Just after reading that comment I started a so-called "clan race" which is a mechanism which shouldn't exist, but I quickly forgot that as long as I get into driving.
The city does feel a bit empty in my opinion as well, the selection of cars is a bit lackluster too. I doubt they will be able to get license for Toyota but surely they need to get license for Honda.
Honda scene is huge in HK I have heard, so adding in Civic Type-R(EK9, FD2 maybe, FK8/FL5), S2000 and the NSX would make the most sense for this game.
The number of races available is a bit short too in my opinion but i'm only at rank 28.
If they can fix the AI random difficulty spike and improve RWD cars then I think the game would be a lot more playable, at least for me it would be lol.
All for the Hondas and Toyotas. They are the majorities and the real daily drivers FFS! VTECs and Prius missiles for the win!!!!
I searched for HK cars statistics and actually Teslas is now the best sellers. Oh well.
The AIs range from just plain slow, comically falling of cliffs left right and center, to rude and unbeatable.
I probably should revisit the starter 370Z later, but the later RWD cars I bought (the faster Caterham, Evora, 488 Pista) are more acceptable. (admittedly, with custom setups, and by the time I learnt how to set up cars, the 370Z has no use to me)
A few more things:
- As AIs are often unbeatable once they get ahead of player, this requires the player to be rude to AIs.
- My connection to the servers is not the best.
- I only raced with human players 3 times; 2 out of the 3 times the AIs will come with cloaking devices, which means I can't be rude to them and stop them running away.
- Races with only AIs can still get ended with
server connection issues which is only enough to kick me out of the race but not the game.
- I'm now at Lv52 and haven't run out of races (probably had when I was Lv29). I did a lot of exploration though. (now at 89%)
- At Lv40 the game will task the player to buy a Ferrari
and a Lamborghini. And there will be
LOTS of races that require either of them. I really
really wanted to throw my GT-R/Caterham at those stupidly overpriced Italian cars.
- At Lv50 the game will task the player to buy a hypercar, and I ran out of money here.