Received this morning ... work like a charm, launched several of my favorites mobiles games on it (and watched some movies ) well mobiles games at 1080i 60hz on a 32" TV ... is .... gorgeous
35$ after promo instead of 129$ which make it at the same price level of these chinese "no name" android boxes ... but with a better support and customer service (if i ever need customer service ... that is ...)
IR remote is neat but i have a all in one keyboard (with separated left click button for when you keep your keyboard in your hands and use the touchepad with the right thumb ) so i might not use it too often
i got a "EEHHH??? are you stupid? you didn take the U9-H it's way better ..." well duh .... obviously a Amlogic S912 is better than a S905.... or not ... might be octa instead of quad but the GPU side is not that much powerful, since Amlogic got the idea to put the Mali-T820MP3 in it ... instead of a 860 or something more ... punchy ... so, even the Mali-450MP5 in the S905 can equale it (save for 3D using OGL ES 3.1 which is also a trade off ), i'd rather take any 450/T760MPx over a T820MPx (ok ... GL ES 3.1 is technically cruicial for Android 7.0 support ... but ... that box is under 5.1.1 and perform quite well ... unlike a smartphone you don't need to have the latest version, thanks Apple for that trend

funnier CPU task related the S905 is faster in most situation than the S912

... yep it's a Octa but a bigLITTLE arch which mean 4x1.536ghz + 4x1ghz instead of 4x1.536ghz (2ghz is the kernel value) hence the "it's almost the same result albeit being newer and Octa instead of Quad"
soooo yep the U9-H does better at one thing in the end (if i except GL ES 3.1 compatibility): being pricier for nearly the same performances
hackable to RemixOS is also a plus
edit ... yep ... not worth the overprice ... even for GL ES 3.1
i think i can sell my RPi2 and 3 ... (maybe not the SenseHat tho ...) i use the Neo U1 for media and casual couch gaming, and for tinkering ... well i have now

ASUS did a little f**k up tho, the TinkerOS is not stable, they didn't try to build a community before launch (like what the RPi did ) and they've chosen a disliked SOC: Rockchip 3288 (albeit being not bad at all ...)
spec wise it's a killer (deal) 4x1.8ghz Cortex A17 (the A17 are better than a A53 even if 32bit only ) Mali-T760MP4 and 2gb DDR3 (instead of 1gb DDR ) gb lan (instead of mb), dedicated wifi (with upgradeable antenna) and the SDIO is 3.0 (instead of 2.0)
board marking are clearer GPIO pin are color coded (and 100% compatible with RPi model B GPIO layout (i got my SenseHat working on it ) 100% same formfactor and a little heatsink bundled with, for the Rpi 1/2/Zero i understand why you don't need one but for the 3rd iteration ... i do not

(hence the Farnell heatsink on my RPi 2 and 3, for the 2 because it was OC for playback smoothness for the 3 ... well it was clocked higher so ... i had a second )
not even too much pricier than a RPi3 ... in fact it's even cheaper, for once, in Switzerland than Europe