First things first: did you clean your laptop insides recently - like the fans in particular and replying thermal paste (taking into account the release of this model - it's probably dried out)? That's a core step - before trying to solve thermal issues on a software level.
The slow-downs they're indeed caused by throttling - both power and temperature throttling. Acer Aspire has a really poor cooling design. Unless you strip its case and make/use custom cooling (easier said than done - for most people) - those Turbo Ratios are way to high (your CPU will thermal throttle - without even reaching 4 Ghz). Personally, i would limit the Turbo Ratios to max 3 Ghz.
Power Wise - the IccMax is to low, setting it to max (255.75) - is the most common recommendation to solve some of the power throttling issue. Tho, tweaking some of the settings from
TPL can help as well (lock the MMO for start). As mentioned above - this CPU was released couple of years ago - which actually works in your favor - since the optimal setting for this model were overly debated even on the ThrottleStop forum. Here, browse some of this topics - since they're all filled with advises - even repeated over and over again, since every user starts a new topic - asking the same thing over and over again.
I take it, most of those didn't know how to use the search function - so here...