funny story...
i have a fake 1050 ti (the real chip is gf116)
and i can't use nvflash on it becuse the seller put some kind of protection on it(im more then welcome to prove me wrong on that one)
and i don't have a bios programer....
soo any way guys you know to how limit vram usege from 4gb to 1gb????
becuse it crashes when it use more then 1 gb
here is an image of gpuz just in case you need it ti figure something......
i will really be happy if you found a fix
i have a fake 1050 ti (the real chip is gf116)
and i can't use nvflash on it becuse the seller put some kind of protection on it(im more then welcome to prove me wrong on that one)
and i don't have a bios programer....
soo any way guys you know to how limit vram usege from 4gb to 1gb????
becuse it crashes when it use more then 1 gb
here is an image of gpuz just in case you need it ti figure something......
i will really be happy if you found a fix