I'm not sure if this is the proper forum to ask this in but here goes. What are the latencies like with GDDR5, GDDR5x, GDDR6 and GDDR6x? I'm not here referring to what each IC is rated at but what kind of latencies and end user would see if running, for example, AIDA64's memory benchmark.
More or less, as every generation steps up they increase bandwidth but latency gets worse.
Higher clock speeds attempt to keep it similar, but it's simply not.
Eth mining for example was faster on a 1070Ti than a 1080, because the 1070Ti used GDDR5 vs the GDDR5x on the GTX 1080
I cant find the stock values as they aren't listed anywhere (They'd vary between cards) but theres an example here where the 1080 and 1080ti benefited from lowering the VRAM speeds to tighten their timings, while the 1070 cards didn't need this and out-mined them at stock
Optimize Memory Timings on Nvidia GDDR5X GPUs With OhGodAnETHlargementPill | The Crypto Blog (medium.com)
There are no end-user VRAM latency benchmarks out there, especially these days since we can no longer modify VRAM timings in custom BIOS files, but some fancy places have done testing on this over the years
Measuring GPU Memory Latency – Chips and Cheese
GPU Memory Latency’s Impact, and Updated Test – Chips and Cheese
Simply changing the size of what's tested changes the latency, and various GPU's have different methods of accessing that VRAM so you can see why this isn't a simple thing to test
I do not understand the information below, just posting it here as examples from the links
Hah, i love that the reason for the revised article was a comment from TPU specifying a better way to test this.