I dont exactly know how to explain this, so Ill give it my best shot. Randomly, a couple weeks ago, my display color started to get very whacked out, where the saturation is seemingly blown out and disrupting color accuracy, which is a very big no no as a digital artist. Whats odd is that this seems to get fixed the second I open specifically the windows display settings in control panel. I have reinstalled, rolled back, and switched dch to standard nvidia drivers, changing monitor calibration, nvidia calibration, basically every setting you can think of related to HDR, color, display, everything that doesnt involve changing system files which there should be no reason for that to be necessary. Its reproduceable but it seems to only change monitor calibration and not software calibration, every single system driver is updated except for wifi which I dont use. The monitor doesn't show the calibration profile has switched so I have no idea what else to do. I updated windows which actually broke even more stuff but I fixed all that garbage. No viruses, no hardware malfunctions (from my knowledge) but the display issue seems to persist. If this helps at all this might have started around the same time I uninstalled ReShade from a game, but I have deleted every single instance of reshade on the machine, I could also mention it is possible that I had an hdr setting on in reshade in game, and when I turned it off and uninstalled it may have done something but I dont know because I went through hours of diagnostics with reshade support people, and they seem to have also narrowed it down to a windows or nvidia issue rather than ReShade or Vulkan, however Im willing to believe things like this can happen at this point. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated
Windows Reinstall is my absolute last option, I have a large amount of particular settings that I would rather not reset, and windows recovery is not an option for some reason (that got stripped from me when I updated to 21h1.)
Windows Reinstall is my absolute last option, I have a large amount of particular settings that I would rather not reset, and windows recovery is not an option for some reason (that got stripped from me when I updated to 21h1.)
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