Autonomous Utilization-Based Frequency Control Status
When set, frequency is reduced below the operating system request because the processor has detected that utilization is low.
It is normal to see Utilization light up red when you are sitting mostly idle at the desktop. The CPU is not delivering maximum performance because it does not need to. You are not doing anything too demanding when sitting at the desktop looking at the screen.
Intel's U series of processors were designed for low power consumption. The default turbo power limits are set very low to conserve power. When the power limits are set low, PL1 and PL2 will easily light up red. When a current limit is set low, EDP CURRENT will light up red. The CPU is throttling itself to limit maximum power consumption.
Some users have compared Limit Reasons to a Christmas tree that is constantly lighting up with various boxes flashing red. That is normal when you have a low power U series CPU.