The iTwin aims to do one thing: create a secure and easy way to access and transfer sensitive data between two points. This it does and it does so extremely well. The software requires no installation, so you could use any PC around the world to access your data stored at home or in the office. You just have to make sure that you drop all the files you want access to into the iTwin application, as there is no way to add more when on the road. The iTwin is excellent for small firms or individuals, but does not offer the expandability and user management larger companies would like to see. So the question arises, is 99 US Dollars worth it? Yes and no. Yes, because it is dead simple, there are no additional costs and you could pretty much make all the data you can get your hands on available through the iTwin, so there are no size restrictions. No because of one little thing: the home/office PC needs to be on all the time. With cloud based storage being on the rise, having your files accessible all the time is easier than ever. But these services are usually limited in size and do not offer hardware encryption. So in the end, you have to choose: Have security and ease of use on that two week business trip, leaving your PC on 24/7 with no size restrictions and tight security or choosing one of the many Internet based storage out there. Well, that is the funny thing about security: if you require security, having to leave your PC on, thus the extra electricity is a small price to pay and the iTwin is an excellent, unique product out there, giving everyone the option to keep their data transmission secure, no matter where you are and what data it is.