Thursday, December 29th 2011

More HD 7770 Leaks: Pictures, Plus 3DMark Benchmarks

Not quite two weeks ago, we reported on leaked pictures of AMD's upcoming Radeon HD 7770 mid-range graphics card based on the new Southern Islands architecture and listed its basic specs. Well, the leaks keep coming and bigpao007 of ChipHell has leaked more pictures with some benchmarks to go with them. The test setup consisted of an Ivy Bridge ES CPU - Core i5-3550K at 3.3Ghz and Z77 chipset-based motherboard. The driver used was the AMD Catalyst 8.940 RC2, giving the following 3DMark benchmark results:
3DMark 06:
HD7770 (Stock @ 1Ghz): 18143 3D Marks (SM2.0: 6785/HDR: 8086/CPU: 6390)

3DMark 11 (Performance Preset):
HD7770 (Stock @ 1Ghz): P3421 (3138 Graphics Score)

3DMark 11 (Extreme Preset):
HD7770 (Stock @ 1Ghz): X1077 (965 Graphics Score)

Screenshots follow:

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17 Comments on More HD 7770 Leaks: Pictures, Plus 3DMark Benchmarks

single 6-pin is good, but price is bad (same as 6850 now)
Posted on Reply
Hum, I'm not aware how other cards perform. Is this good marks?
Posted on Reply
So what is this card then ..?
a 6850 or a 6870 ? i wonder if it will end up somwhere in between ..
a 6860 perhaps?
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
TatsumaruSo what is this card then ..?
a 6850 or a 6870 ? i wonder if it will end up somwhere in between ..
a 6860 perhaps?
It's an upgrade for the 5770 (6770 rebrand) and it does give genuinely better performance for around the same price.
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well comparing to a 5770 review for 3dmark 06 which got around 16000, and a 6770 review for 3dmark11 P score which got 2889, I'd say there is an improvement in performance from juniper.
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only about 30-35% faster than a 6770 it seems.
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I hope AMD wont use HD 7970 price policy: how much preformance improvment.. then that is how much price will be added!
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dieterdI hope AMD wont use HD 7970 price policy: how much preformance improvment.. then that is how much price will be added!
They already said its going to be $149 so its maybe $10 more than the 6770 was when it was released.
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News Editor
so the stock clock is 1Ghz.
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Bet this card over clocks well.

Cool to see the new IB cpu in the benchmarks as well.
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Crap Daddy
It will have the same perf as the 6850 (little more I think with good OC headroom) for the same price.
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Who doesn't like a x770? I am a ~$200 gpu guy, so $150 sounds sweet to me. Maybe the 7's will bring a 2GB 6950 down to my price range. *crossing fingers*
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What I want to see is double performance for the same price. Not a new product with higher price. I paid my 5770 130€ 2 years ago and now it costs around 100€ here. That is just wrong... Do you remember time of 3xxx 4xxx to 5xxx series? Each time double performance and price drop. For me there is no point to upgrade without significant performance gain. Like 100-150% in the same price segment...
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scope54well comparing to a 5770 review for 3dmark 06 which got around 16000, and a 6770 review for 3dmark11 P score which got 2889, I'd say there is an improvement in performance from juniper.
I wish they posted power consumption figures - this will be a tipping point for me. I'm happy with performance of my HD5770 but would appreciate lower consumption :)
Posted on Reply
This is 18.5% more powerful than 5770, but considering 2 generations away
it would not be that good as it was 5770 when it first came out

Unless it is 40nm again...
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If this is 150$ and scores only p3138 in 3dmark11 its totally not worth it,you can buy 6870 wich scores p4000 + and cost the same.
This is at best at 5830 level considering the 3dmarks.
Ah... and i hate memory chips on the back side they tend to not oc well if not cooled with nothing.
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over 3100 graphics points? not bad, its ok
this 33%~ish better then HD6770 is just what this market segment needs
Price compering to HD6850 or HD6870? well... :\
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