Wednesday, January 4th 2012

Microsoft 'Flight' Free to Download

Today Microsoft announced that Microsoft "Flight" the latest version of the Microsoft Flight Simulator, will be free to download for the PC sometime later this year. The last version was Microsoft Flight Simulator X and it was released in 2006 with a pedigree going back all the way to 1982 starting with Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.00.

This newest incarnation will be the 13th in the series and is being developed by Microsoft Studios, not to be confused with the Aces team which was broke up in 2009. This new simulator is rumored to sport DirectX 11 and use Games for Windows "Live" instead of Gamespy. Its also been rumored to use a micro transaction formula for additional content. Only time will tell if it lives up to its legendary past. Sign ups for the Beta are still open.
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23 Comments on Microsoft 'Flight' Free to Download

Interest officially piqued. I heard a lot of good things about older versions of MS Flight Sims.
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Big Member
DannibusXInterest officially piqued. I heard a lot of good things about older versions of MS Flight Sims.
When I was in school for Aeronautical Engineering (I know what your thinking. But really I used to be smart) time on the simulator counted to supervised flight time it was so realistic. This new version doesn't peak my interest at all.
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I wonder how realistic it will be. I would easily pay 100$ for a super realistic sim with good graphics
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Big Member
n-sterI wonder how realistic it will be. I would easily pay 100$ for a super realistic sim with good graphics
Just get Microsoft Flight Simulator X or earlier and call it a day.
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I already have FSX... I would have loved FS XI with a DX 11 Graphic update and a few tweaks
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Overclocked quantum bit
n-sterI wonder how realistic it will be. I would easily pay 100$ for a super realistic sim with good graphics
TheMailMan78Just get Microsoft Flight Simulator X or earlier and call it a day.
I'm not into the flight simulator scene, but I'm sure I've seen adverts in the aviation magazines that my friend gets, advertising advanced non-Microsoft flight sims?
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qubitI'm not into the flight simulator scene, but I'm sure I've seen adverts in the aviation magazines that my friend gets, advertising advanced non-Microsoft flight sims?
Most sims I find are realistic, but graphically suck. The best balance out right now seems to be FSX, but I'm no expert
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Gimme a DX11 Crimson Skies 2 please. Kthxbi
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Dedicated TPU Cruncher & Folder
I don't know, I have always wanted to try and get into a good flight sim but just didn't want to pay for a game and not use it. With this being free I will be all over it just to check it out.
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Rumor on the wire is that Microsoft will NOT give out third-party developement-tools for MSFlight, thus making it impossible for the MSFlightsim-community to create thirdparty addons like new aircraft, sceneries etc. Thus Microsoft alienate everything and everyone that made FSX (and FS2004) actually withstand the test of time, which is more than you can say about most other flightsim-titles. It's the third-party addons that have made FSX/FS2004 into the utterly great titles they are. This is a severe kick in the balls to the people that has spent hours upon hours creating so many great things for the previous versions of the sim. Completely and utterly WTF'ed. :wtf:
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devguyGimme a DX11 Crimson Skies 2 please. Kthxbi
YES! YES!, f**k FS i want Crimson Skies 2... but knowing MS they sure release it on the 360, well f**k them too then.
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I played MFSX for some time I don't really know why I stopped it was really fun!
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My interest in flight sims stops when there are either props or no weapons.
Really sucks that new JANES game was utter crap, wish i still had my win98 machine to play all those awesome combat flight sims.
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Batou1986My interest in flight sims stops when there are either props or no weapons.
Really sucks that new JANES game was utter crap, wish i still had my win98 machine to play all those awesome combat flight sims.
Well, there's always DCS: Black Shark (Heli-sim that has an absolutely brutal learning-curve, but is great fun when you finally get the hang of it), and DCS:A10C Warthog, which takes Jetcombat-sims to a new level. Add in the fact that DCS are working on an addon that lets you tie together Black Shark, A10C Warthog AND the older Flaming Cliffs-title, AND gives you the option of playing as ground-commander/JTAC....

Still can't get over how disappointed I am in Microsoft for this, though. FSX/FS2004 has been something that people have fanatically tinkered with for years, and is something that Microsoft now has seemingly destroyed.
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Block Caption of Rainey Street
FSX + REX :toast:
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v12dockFSX + REX :toast:
wow a 40$ graphical patch lol Seems to look great though :p
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Freshwater Moderator
if its free i'll screw around with it for the prettiness
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too bad that flight sims are such a niche - i want DX11 IL2 Sturmovik with realism to the max. that would be one of the rare things that would make me buy a completely new rig, monitor and something like logitech g940.
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ShadowXPRumor on the wire is that Microsoft will NOT give out third-party developement-tools for MSFlight
now that makes sense. i was like "microsoft + free" does not compute. the microtransaction part obviously was a pointer, but this makes it clear. it will be a way watered down version where you pay for every plane and place.
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MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
Microsoft Flight is going to be lame. Apparently its only hawaii based and no commercial airliner jets its all personal planes with props.
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And then the microtransactions will add things like jets, and domestic planes.

Seems like a good idea to me.
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