Thursday, March 29th 2012

Sony PlayStation 4 Codenamed "Orbis", Runs AMD x86-64 CPU, Southern Islands GPU
Sony may have codenamed PlayStation 4 "Orbis" (IPA: /ˈor.bis/), according to a Kotaku report. The next-generation game console is slated for "holiday season, 2013." This information was sourced by Kotaku, from a reliable source with a good track-record of accuracy. Orbis is derived from the Latin word for "circle", or "to circle/orbit". The term "Orbis Vita" or "Orbis Vitae" denotes "the circle of life." The specifications of Orbis known so far, include AMD-made x86-64 CPU, and an AMD-made GPU, built on the Southern Islands (Graphics CoreNext) architecture. In all probability, it could be a unified SoC, a highly scalar Fusion chip.
111 Comments on Sony PlayStation 4 Codenamed "Orbis", Runs AMD x86-64 CPU, Southern Islands GPU
Also all I could think of when I heard Orbis:
goddevelopers willing.Lets hope PS4 supports keyboard and mouse, and then we will have a "PC is the superior gaming platform hurr durrr" argument again :)
will need a new tv :shadedshu
before someone ask if the ps4 will have a BD-drive, yes it will.
Why u ask? coz SonyDADC would go bankrupt and i would lose my job. :|
The gpu within the APU could be anything really.
Could be sampling a APU with 4 core/6650 now and swap it for a 8 core/8670 later