Tuesday, July 31st 2012

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Specifications and Launch Date Leaked
Following the launch of its GeForce GTX 660 series graphics processors, NVIDIA is likely to turn its attention to the sub-$200 market, particularly in the crucial back-to-school shopping season, with the launch of the new GeForce GTX 650 graphics processor. The new chip will help the company capture a key sub-$200 price-point, and replace the GeForce GTX 550 Ti.
According to a DonanimHaber report, the GeForce GTX 650 will be based on the new 28 nm GK107 ASIC, which is derived from the GeForce Kepler architecture. The chip will pack 384 CUDA cores, and a 128-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface, which holds 1 GB of memory. The same report pin-points the launch date to 17th September.
According to a DonanimHaber report, the GeForce GTX 650 will be based on the new 28 nm GK107 ASIC, which is derived from the GeForce Kepler architecture. The chip will pack 384 CUDA cores, and a 128-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface, which holds 1 GB of memory. The same report pin-points the launch date to 17th September.
42 Comments on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Specifications and Launch Date Leaked
as i told.. i expect in the range of 550Ti / 560 SE to HD 7770(max)
This is weaksauce. :shadedshu
If 660 Ti -> 660, and 660 -> 650, now we're talking! And a win for naming conventions.
Yea, the GK107 part on DDR5 is looking to barely break what will be AMD $75 offering, while not class to a 7770 that easily found right now for $125, it's the GTS450 all over again! Given a GT640 was a $100 part can Nvidia bring this for $140, that would make as notable as the GTS 450 when it tried to break the "Juniper" twins... Same old song and dance!
And I would think if you wanted to get hooked up to that all to "crucial back-to-school shopping season" a September 17th launch date is... like tardy? Nay, no more like having to petition the class to get in!
Metro 2033
Resolution Settings Value
1920x1080 DirectX 11 / very high, AAA, 4xAF 12 fps
review here:
and here's metro almost same settings but a little higher res with mid-low end cards:
Do you know what is the competition of this card?
Do you know that the 110$ GT640 sports the same chip?
Do you think NVidia are insane to ask more for a card that will perform worse than anything that's on the market at around 130$?
If by some magic trick this card will come close to the 7770 which right now stands at around 120 after rebate I still don't expect it to be more than 130-50$
Its like they want you to pay a premium to have the slowest possible card of this generation.
Green Marketing needs to bring products that compete... not more alphabet soup nomenclature.
And to think W1zzard was hard on the 7770 when it hit at $150. We all know ATI never holds-fast to any MSRP for anytime. However Nvidia goes kicking and screaming (and big rebates) to even appear competitive. Just as of lately GTX 550Ti, which MSRP’d for $160 (now in the market 18mo's) are pricing (for ones you’d really want) at $120-130 while working rebates of $20-30. Heck a Gigabyte 7770 OC that W1zzard reviewed in 5mo's ago and provided 25% more than a reference GTX550 has been as low as $90 –AR$20.