Monday, December 3rd 2012

Crysis 3 PC System Requirements Detailed
The seemingly age-old question 'Will it run Crysis?' is back with a vengeance as EA has provided the system requirements for the third installment of Crytek's first-person shooter. Set for a February 2013 release, Crysis 3 'demands' the following:
- Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
- DirectX 11 graphics card with 1 GB Video RAM
- Dual core CPU
- 2 GB Memory (3 GB on Vista)
- Example 1 (Nvidia/Intel):
o Nvidia GTS 450
o Intel Core2 Duo 2.4 GHz (E6600) - Example 2 (AMD):
o AMD Radeon HD5770
o AMD Athlon64 X2 2.7 GHz (5200+)
- Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
- DirectX 11 graphics card with 1 GB Video RAM
- Quad core CPU
- 4 GB Memory
- Example 1 (Nvidia/Intel):
o Nvidia GTX 560
o Intel Core i3-530 - Example 2 (AMD):
o AMD Radeon HD 5870
o AMD Phenom II X2 565
- Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
- Latest DirectX 11 graphics card
- Latest quad core CPU
- 8 GB Memory
- Example 1 (Nvidia/Intel):
o NVidia GTX 680
o Intel Core i7-2600K - Example 2 (AMD):
o AMD Radeon HD 7970
o AMD Bulldozer FX4150
76 Comments on Crysis 3 PC System Requirements Detailed
HD 8970
GTX 780
Does anyone know at what resolution they use for each?
Minimum - 720p
Recommended - 1080p
Hi-Performance - 1440p
But then again, they did ask for pretty decent cards for it. The 5770 is a very good card though. It makes me wonder if the game will come in DX11 only.
Hopefully Nvidia gets the SLI drivers out for this one on time.
Taking a conservative guess. The CPU portion, definitely. The GPU portion (6550) is pretty weak so my guess is 720p at low/medium/low settings, and no anti aliasing.