Sunday, December 16th 2007

Study Concludes Googling Oneself is Popular

Apparently, people enjoy stalking themselves and each other using the power of Google. A recent study concludes that 47% of internet users have "Googled" themselves at one point in time to research themselves. A larger percentage of people have used Google to find information about other people. The group that did the study, called "The Pew Internet and American Life Project", was surprised that this number was not higher. After all, who hasn't felt the urge to put their name into Google to see what comes up?

The study also concluded that some 60% of people are not worried about the personal information that can be found about them online. Most of the people who were found to Google themselves more often were less than 50 years old, or had careers that required a powerful online persona.
Source: Neowin
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8 Comments on Study Concludes Googling Oneself is Popular

Sold my stars!
umm isn't this just common knowledge? you google yourself for the fun off it, and then you google 3 other people to dig up info on em. i wouldn't really care if i googled panchoman and found a bunch of archieved clan stuff and forum posts.. i can find my actual name on the net, just cause of my job and stuff, so yeah, im not worried
Posted on Reply
Dr. SpankensteinIs this some kind of prison lingo?

Nope I cant find my name online or at least my real name that is, I mean I can but its not about me personally:laugh::laugh:
Posted on Reply
After my wife called me the first time when we were just starting to date I knew where she used to live, her Mothers, and Fathers names, where she lived then, and a few other personal items.

When you graduate from certain schools they put your name in papers, and sometimes when you are approved, and also in the case of her Ex when you do bad things. When he gets out, the day of, he is going to be served a restraining order that prevents him from entering the state, and due to his nature, if he still chooses to do so, he will be up for another 10-15.

Using some internet relay tools and a few proxies setup by friends, I let his parents and brother and sister know that if he ever comes around he will die a terrible death and never be seen or heard from again. Now that is the power of the interwebz.
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My stars went supernova
And then you tell your plan on the internet.

Posted on Reply
No names mentioned. And there are thousands of cases that are the same, plus my IP is only visable to the Global mods or Admins, and it has already been done, and I have no real personal informatin listed on the net. I have been careful through the years. And untill I got married my name would NOT appear, I used many aliases to remain hidden, and I have had the one trace of my marriage license removed, for the birth of my child it never appeared in any newspaper.

The worst that has happened to me is that some asshole stole a few credit card apps and some shit I bought off the net, untill i threatened to beat his ass, now he is rotting in jail as I turned him in too. He won't get out untill the year 2012 as he has prior offenses, and tried to act on a few other peoples mail, plus check fraud, and possesion of illegal substances with intent to distribute, and a few other goodies.......

My wife however was very visable on the net as most people are. For work we had a guy from Virginia call and order a $3K plus part and his card was turned down, and his phone number was disconnected. However with a few minutes of internet time I found his mother, called the police in a hick town and learned that he was living with her, had the police go knok on their door and called a lawyer that was two streets down, and a few minutes later I called his mothers house. His mommy paid. Of course "I wer gonna give yuh a cawl".
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I was wrong, I found myself. But it will be removed.
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not a suicide-bomber
i don't appear on the internet, the fact that i have 6 names, and only use 2 might help
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Jun 3rd, 2024 09:37 EDT change timezone

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