What's that horrible thing in page 5 photo #2, could that be thermal paste? it looks like scratched metal.
Seems to be some kind of thermal pad, I haven't encountered it before. Removing it now and replacing with thermal paste when re-assembling the card.
LOL that Far Cry 4 anomaly
Looking into that right after I've reassembled the card.
I am new on this site and now I see that he always compare 1 card to all other in stock/reference form, but when you write it is faster than Geforce 980 I think you should add "reference" or "stock"
I've added the word "reference" near the first mention of GTX 980.
Reviewing a card has always been like this on TPU. The card being reviewed is the star of the show, whatever manufacturer/brand/aftermarket card that might be, against ALL other STOCK REFERENCE cards out there.
That is correct. I'm not sure how I should handle non-ref cards, even if I wanted to. Nearly everyone sends me his cards, so do I include them all? Or just certain manufacturers? Which ones?
can we stop calling no VGA signal on DVI a con? Do you really think anyone is buying a Fury to use a VGA display on it?
After reading my review they won't

It's just mentioned there to make people aware, it doesn't affect score or conclusion in any way.