Hey Spankmier,
I shelved this project for a while when I couldn't get it sorted.
I have a laptop with Windows 10 Pro and a desktop with Windows 11.
Does it matter which system I use? Pretty sure the OP instructions (Mussels) are on Windows 10. I was trying on my laptop previously so I could enable/disable wifi and use the lan cable for connecting to the DJA0231.
I really want to get the DJA0231 working for me (on my TPG internet).
Anyway, I'll try again and also check out the Whirlpool forums you mentioned.
How did you get on with this? Hopefully you're all sorted now, but in case you aren't...
I presume it will work just as well on W11, but I've only used W10 Pro. Have you confirmed you're on a rootable firmware? If not you'll need to flash a rootable version in the inactive bank and force the device to boot from it. Don't bother with WiFi, just move the LAN cable back and forth between WAN/LAN on the router as necessary. Once you gain root with TCH Exploit you can plug the WAN port of the DJA device into a LAN port on your existing modem and your computer into a LAN port on the DJA to pull the latest scripts for unlocking the full firmware and blocking Telstra... Make sure you set the optimal bank plan too. I've gone hunting and added my cheat sheet below, this unifies a lot of information that is spread between forum posts. I highly recommend the previously mentioned Whirlpool thread for any further issues you face, they're quite responsive and extremely knowledgeable
Start by resetting device to defaults by holding in reset switch until device "clicks".
Check the firmware installed onto your device in your web browser, usually
http://mygateway (both), (DJA0230), or (DJA0231).
Find your Modem/Router @
Compare firmware version installed, you are ok to proceed with rooting if it's listed as method C (TCH-EXPLOIT), otherwise perform optional flashback.
If detected version showing as "-" in the table you will need to flash back using "Tftpd64" with below guide to a version which can be rooted using TCH-EXPLOIT.
Most Technicolor Gateways run customized firmware implementing ISP-specific integrations and get locked down in functionality to match service requirements. This kind of sucks because if you decide to use this device with a different ISP, you are likely to be blocked from doing that, or simply...
DJA0230 use: vbnt-v_20.3.c.0389-MR20-RA.rbi
DJA0231 use: vcnt-a_20.3.c.0389-MR20-RA.rbi
Once flashed back force Gateway to restart to bank 1, 0231 procedure is included in above guide, 0230 can be power cycled via rapid plug/unplug or using buck method.
Root with tch-exploit-win.exe via WAN port after setting static IP.
Set network interface to private if unable to kick exploit procedure:
Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias Ethernet -NetworkCategory Private
Modify Telstra-branded Technicolor devices to access hidden features - seud0nym/tch-gui-unhide
1. Download latest scripts:
curl -skL
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/seud0nym/tch-gui-unhide/master/get | sh -s --
2. (OPTIONAL) Load Technicolor logo.gif to root directory with WinSCP.
3. Safely disable Telstra access and re-open GUI (step 1 will need to be repeated first):
A. Disable Telstra phoning home, set Cloudflare DNS, disable Guest WiFi, and enable DumaOS QoS package (remove "-gy" for no Duma):
./de-telstra -A -nc -G -gy
B. Enable interface visibility in dark theme with 5 cards per line:
./tch-gui-unhide -tn -a5
4. Set optimal bank plan:
5. Perform firmware upgrade from USB (once complete, perform step 3 & 4 again):
./safe-firmware-upgrade -c -d "/mnt/usb/USB-A1/vbnt-v_20.3.c.0432-MR21.1-RA.rbi"
./safe-firmware-upgrade -c -d "/mnt/usb/USB-A1/vcnt-a_20.3.c.0501-MR22.1-RA.rbi"
6. Load rootable firmware to second bank
7. Set to boot from latest firmware
1. Learn how to load rootable firmware to second bank and set load plan so old firmware only loads as fallback.