ASIC is current leakage, that's exactly what the % values mean. 100% is no leakage, but at 50% the vrm's basically have to output 50% more power.Admitedly I'm going by another rumor and not much else... do let us know if it's true!
The ASIC is not at all related to how well a chip overclocks, it correlates to how much power it needs from the vrm's compared to whatever the ideal power/performance ratio is.
The BIOS voltage tables are actually programmed around ASIC, in steps of roughly 10%. In a nutshell a GPU with low ASIC is going to be handicapped by the VRM's rather than the chip, that's what it comes down to....
Even with LN2 or dice the vrm's (or the Total Power Limit) are still the limiting factor. The lower the ASIC the higher the power limit, check any Tahiti or Cayman BIOS.

I watched the YT vid as well, but tbh I found it a little vague and confusing. And the guy Jay? made a comment made which surprised me: he said the GPU is the whole card including vram and vrm's etc, which is an absolutely false statement. The GPU is the die package,
That would be like calling our entire systems i.e mobo, RAM, GPU, soundcard - "the CPU" .

Oops almost forgot:

It can do about 1170 before choking....
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